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Coffee Talk Collection - Life Planner Stickers

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Coffee Talk Collection - Life Planner Stickers

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"Coffee Talk" Life Planner Stickers are more than just a cup of our morning ritual, it's about what it represents. We share a cup with a friend, maybe a quiet peaceful moment to just think, or even a lively evening with friends. Coffee is more than the energy that the caffeine gives us, it is about the times we spend while enjoying it. What will you do with your coffee inspiration....cream and sugar or just black!

These digital sticker sheets fit most popular planners....all you have to do is download, print and cut and you're ready to create and decorate your planner however you see fit with the multitude of options that these sticker sheets offer. You receive your downloads in pdf, jpg and png formats.

**Please remember when you print, to print at 100% of actual size rather than "scale to fit page" so that your printed sheets match the sizes below!**

Included in the 3 Sticker Sheets:

  • 16 - 1.5" x 1.9" full boxes to "Perk Up" your planner boxes!
  • 5 - 1.5" x 0.95" detailed half boxes that will give your planner pages life and inspiration
  • 4 - 1.5" wide box strips. Use these as top strips on your day boxes or wherever you see them in your planner pages!
  • 8 - Appointment digital stickers
  • 8 - Reminder digital stickers
  • 8 - Errand digital stickers
  • 8 - To Do digital stickers
  • 9 - Phone digital stickers
  • 4 - Small flag elements to embellish so many different areas of your life planner pages
  • 2 - Arrow shaped elements to point you in the right direction before you've had your first cup
  • 3 - Arrow elements....we all need reminders and these digital elements will do just that!
  • 3 - Square elements with lines on each for you to write in notes, lists, etc.
  • 4 - 0.6" buttons to fit perfectly into this theme and your creative ideas
  • 1 - Coffee cup filled with coffee....a sight for sore eyes for us coffee lovers!!
  • 1 - Coffee cup with lines for you to journal on...maybe a love letter to your morning cup!ha,ha
  • 1 - Strip of 1/2 length washi tape which would make a great bookmark or attached to a large paper clip
  • 5 - 7.25" long digital washi tape like elements...add these great decorative strips to your planner pages to add punch and beauty
  • 4 - Tag elements in a rectangular form. Each differently adorned and even space to write on these. Would these be the right element for a cover, side journal area or just decor?!
  • 1 - Coffee Pot element...please affix this in the upright position so as not to spill any!
  • 2 - Coffee Cups already filled to the brim. Wonderful digital elements to embellish your planner pages with
  • 8 - Word tags for you to place in wherever you see fit. The sentiments mirror the theme of this digital planner sticker where's the perfect spot?

    Life Planner Stickers are not available for resale by License holders

  • This product was added to our catalog on Thursday 23 June, 2016.

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